はっけん [発見]
명사 | discovery, detection
동사 | discover, find (out), detect
はっぴょう [発表]
[명사] announcement, statement, presentation
[동사] announce, issue, make public (의견·연구 결과 등을) present (책 등을) publish (책·음반 등을) release
はつばい [発売]
[명사] sale (음반·서적 등의) release,
[동사] put sth on sale, bring out (음반·서적 등을) release
はつめい [発明]
[명사] invention,
[동사] invent
ひよう [費用]
비용 / 쓸(비))
cost, expense, charge
비용을 절감하다 cut[reduce] costs
ひょうばん [評判]
평판 / 평할(평). 판단할(판)
reputation, (formal) repute
그는 효자라는 평판을 받는다
He has a reputation for being a good son.
그녀는 회사에서 평판이 좋지 않다
She has a bad reputation at the company.
ふまん [不満]
불만 / 찰(만)
dissatisfaction, discontent, 불만하다 (be) discontented, dissatisfied, displeased, disgruntled, unsatisfied, unsatisfactory
へんか [変化]
[명사] change (부분적인) alteration (변천) transition (from sth to sth),
[동사] change (to/into), turn (into)
변화를 감지하다
sense[perceive; notice] a change
변화를 주다
give[add; bring] variety (to)
ほうぼう [方方]
여기저기. 이곳저곳
here and there (모든 곳) everywhere
여기저기 찾아다니다
look for sb[sth] here and there[all over the place]
まさつ [摩擦]
마찰 /문지를(마), 문지를(찰)
(물체의) [명사] friction, [동사] rub (sth together / sth against sth)
마찰로 인해 밧줄이 끊어졌다
Friction caused the rope to break.
(의견·이해 등의) [명사] friction (between/with), trouble (between)
무역 마찰을 빚다
cause[create] trade friction
그들은 끊임없이 마찰을 빚고 있다
There is constant friction[trouble] between them.
まず [先ず]
맨 먼저. 첫째로
맨 먼저
the beginning; at the very first [beginning]; first of all.
さきに [先に · 前に · 嚮に · 曩に]
이전에. 앞서.먼저.
さき [先]
(앞서서) first, earlier, before, beforehand, in advance
(우선) first of all, before anything else
먼저 숙소부터 정해야 했다
The first thing to do was to secure lodgings.
그에게 먼저 그 사실을 알려야 한다
First of all[Before anything else], you must tell him.
만사 제쳐 놓고 먼저 병원부터 가야겠다
I've got to run over to the hospital first before I do anything else.
출처 : 네이버사전 http://dic.naver.com/
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